About Us


Kaashvi Mittal, Founder

Kaashvi Mittal is a high school junior from the Bay Area. She is an alum from the Stanford AI4ALL Summer Program, where she collaboratively developed an AI-based tool for socioeconomic classification. She also researched bias in generative AI models at UC Santa Cruz's AI Explainability and Accountability Lab. As a TA for her Biology Honors teacher, she develops AI case studies, which have been taught to dozens of students. 

Kaashvi also has extensive experience in teaching and tutoring various grade levels, ranging from elementary schoolers to high schoolers. She has taught subjects including English, Math, Science, and Computer Science.

Finally, Kaashvi is a passionate advocate for women's rights. As a board member of her school's feminist organization, she has arranged numerous events at her school to raise awareness about women's issues. Moreover, as the Co-President of her school's Girls Who Code Club, she She is enthusiastic to bridge the STEM gap that persists today!

Abhika Mishra, Advisor

Abhika Mishra is currently studying computer science at the University of Washington. She has been a research assistant in an NLP lab at UW for the last two years and is passionate about improving language model quality through her work. Outside of school and research, Abhika loves to dance and read!

Megha Devaraj, Advisor

Megha is a software engineer at Microsoft, working in Azure Data. She is passionate about providing equitable access to computer science knowledge and helping lay the foundation for students to succeed. Before graduating from the University of Notre Dame, she founded a chapter of Girls Who Code, partnering with local high schools. Now, she is a volunteer for Technology Education and Learning Support (TEALS), teaching computer science classes to students across America. 

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